Our title sponsor for this year’s conference is the Thrive Project, an initiative of BC’s Labour Market Partnership Program, which is in affiliation with the Vancouver Foundation. The Thrive Project and XYBOOM both believe that the conference is a “chance to gain new perspectives and insights” on difficult generational issues that are important for Canadians to continue moving forward in workplaces. Progressive panelists and attendees will be sharing innovative strategies and solutions to help resolve intergenerational issues.
The Thrive Project responded to some questions about the XYBOOM Conference:
The Top reason why everyone should come to this conference is to collaborate together between generations.
What is the top reason someone like you must attend the XYBOOM Conference this year? It’s a chance to gain new perspectives on issues where you’ve been stuck in the same thinking – potentially for years.
If you are someone who loves engagement, then you need to come to the XYBOOM Conference
Why did you decide to become a part of XYBOOM Conference Team? To play a part in convening this group to tackle difficult generational issues that are important for us to continue moving forward in our workplaces.
What are you most excited to take away from this year’s conference? New perspectives, new insights, and new ways of working together.
As a 30-day countdown to the XYBOOM Conference, we’re listing one new reason everyday on why you should attend!
Check out our ongoing list of reasons to attend.